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MOOC Religiones Modulo7 Presentación
Esta cuadratura del círculo llevó, paradójicamente, a un Partido Popular debilitado y minoritario a conservar el control del ejecutivo. En cuanto a Podemos, aunque no superó al Partido Socialista en términos de votos e influencia, abrió un nuevo capítulo en la historia política de España. Era la primera vez que un nuevo partido llegaba a perturbar la hegemonía conjunta del Partido Socialista y del Partido Popular. Lo hizo con un manifiesto basado en la ampliación de los servicios públicos, la introducción de una renta básica, el aumento del salario mínimo garantizado, el cambio hacia las energías renovables, la negativa a aumentar la edad de jubilación, la apertura de las fronteras y el fin inmediato de los desahucios de viviendas, entre otras medidas. Más profundamente, estos cambios políticos instigaron una nueva relación entre las instituciones políticas y los movimientos sociales.
Activistas y cuadros actuales de Podemos -y muchos de los que dirigen el partido- han participado activamente en los movimientos sociales en los últimos años, especialmente en las asambleas de distrito de Indignados para apoyar a los trabajadores de la sanidad y la educación, a los trabajadores de las fábricas en huelga, y para reclamar el derecho a la vivienda y denunciar la especulación financiera13. Es el caso de la portavoz de todo el grupo parlamentario, Irene Montero, antiguo pilar de la Plataforma de Afectados por la Hipoteca de Madrid, que se convirtió en un movimiento de masas en el centro de las preocupaciones políticas del país. Los activistas de los movimientos de lucha contra los desahucios se levantaban a menudo de madrugada para ocupar los bancos a pesar de la presencia policial y denunciar a quienes estaban detrás de las decisiones políticas que autorizaban los embargos. En este contexto de efervescencia social, en septiembre de 2012, muchos futuros militantes de Podemos, y algunos diputados, participaron en la operación rodea el congreso. Esta protesta, en la que se rodeó el Parlamento, fue duramente reprimida, con el resultado de 34 detenidos y 64 heridos.
Interview with Michael Jackson for Ebony magazine, 2007.
In 1984, the report Nunca Más, prepared by the Conadep, records the existence of a clandestine detention center in the tenements where the workers of the La Fronterita sugar mill in Tucumán lived and the testimony of the workers of Acindar, in Santa Fe, which shows the participation of the company in the repression and the operation of a police detachment that was used as a clandestine detention center. In 1985, the sentence of the Trial of the Juntas, the first judicial verification of the systematic extermination plan deployed by the dictatorship, was able to determine the kidnappings of several Mercedes Benz workers.
In 2012, judicial resolutions were issued against businessmen and hierarchical personnel for the kidnapping and torture suffered by their workers. Carlos Pedro Blaquier and Alberto Lemos, president of the board of directors and general manager of Ingenio Ledesma, respectively, were indicted. The decision was confirmed by the Federal Court of Appeals of Salta. However, in 2015 the Federal Chamber of Criminal Cassation benefited them with a lack of merit. In this way, the resistance to the prosecution of the economic power was evidenced.
ACTIVITIES that can HUMANIZE Healthcare
This was announced by the parliamentarian himself on social networks after the Supreme Court (SC) imposed a prison sentence of one month and fifteen days to the parliamentarian as the author of a crime of attacking agents of the authority, with the highly qualified mitigating circumstance of undue delay. The sentence carries the accessory of special disqualification for the right to passive suffrage during the time of the sentence.
“We’ll see you at the ECHR. I suppose that if he had stolen 5 million, he would now be acquitted”, he has emphasized to make clear his plans to go to the court based in Strasbourg and to allude to the case of the emeritus King Juan Carlos I, after the information on the criteria of the Prosecutor’s Office tending to archive the investigation on his alleged tax irregularities.
Sources of Unidas Podemos have reaffirmed to Europa Press that the deputy will appeal this sentence considering “that not a single piece of evidence has been provided against him and he is willing to go to the European Court of Human Rights”.
Hippodrome Camarero
The Bureau of the Andalusian Parliament, with the votes of PP, PSOE and Vox and against the criteria of the senior lawyer of the chamber, expels Teresa Rodriguez and seven other deputies of Adelante Andalucía from the parliamentary group, leaving them as non-attached. The coalition with more political weight of the “space of change”, 16% of the votes, implodes without the possibility of reconstruction.
It is over. As a matter of fact, Adelante Andalucía comes to an end as a coalition of the main Andalusian left-wing forces, and the cessation of coexistence is signed by the Bureau of the Andalusian Parliament. After a long series of disagreements between Anticapitalists and Andalusians on the one hand and IU and Podemos on the other, the two blocks will definitely continue their separate ways after breaking the main space they shared, the Andalusian parliamentary group. Podemos Andalucía today submitted a petition to the spokesperson of Adelante Andalucía, Inmaculada Nieto of Izquierda Unida, denouncing Teresa Rodriguez and seven other ex-affiliated deputies of Podemos as defectors. The letter, to which El Salto Andalucía has had access, stated that “that retention of the minutes without the consent or tolerance of Podemos Andalucía places them in a situation of transfuguism”, after a statement of reasons in which he recalled that Rodriguez and the other seven were on the lists of Adelante Andalucía representing the purple formation. “It is a consensual position among the democratic political forces that the transfuguism is a pathology that perverts the popular mandate and a fraud to the citizenship. To respond to this undesirable phenomenon, the regulations of the Parliament of Andalusia created the figure of the non-attached deputy,” he said. And asked to transfer it to the Bureau of Parliament.